Thursday, August 19, 2010

Everything I Wanted - Day 15

Who's that? :P
Who's that? :P

 In bullet point form

  • Woke up, showered, breakfasted, left the house, before midday, and made it on time (to the procrastination "getting a part time job" session) despite the train.
  • Went to the chemist, got some passport photos, filled out the form, spoke to a very grumpy railway station official and acquired a concession card.
    quad-poloroid @ chemist
  • Haircut. 40 minutes of nothing conversation was actually really nice. Really uncomfortable hairwashy basin thingo though. (photo: above)
Also today:
  • Ran into an old acquaintance. Had a very brief chat. Walks from A->B diverge.
  • Reminisced in old "haunt", saw someone without a shirt, still with no apparent reason.
(For reference: home->699->693->upper gully->box hill->289->n1.03.1->lt2->b3.something->dusa->chemist->campus admin->caffeine->767->jordy->mt wav->bakery->haircut->733->bp->home)

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