Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sam Worthington Double Feature - Terminator: Salvation / Avatar

Yesterday (Jan 2) was my father's birthday, so we went over to his sister's house and ate / played ping pong / watched movies on Foxtel. I am very grateful that my cousin didn't manage to get Titanic on. As always, spoilers. I apologise for the weak reviews, I might post a revised version with some more considered critique in the future.


Terminator: Salvation Blag. They killed him.

It also makes no sense how the humans are alive and stuff.
Rating:      ★  
Verdict: I hate John Connor.

James Cameron's Avatar has some hot antropamorphic people things. nom nom.

Plot, military sensicles - MIA. Evil corporation/governement and heavy handed preaching? Check!

Verdict:  (MIA)

Bonus Review: Push
If I were psyic, I would probably find more interesting things to do with my powers...

Verdict: Borderline B movie, I hope. Better than Pandorum.

Anyone is Well and Good (no real inspiration)

Is it possible to know everything about anything? No.

So why do people expect to know each other? Does anyone know you? Really? Everything?

It doesn't mean you're hiding something, does it?

(have I got the angsty format down right? I think I got a little libertarian... comment!)

 In other news - Work, humidity, an unexpected holiday and a holiday with the social skills of a thermonuclear device. No homophoto. Piece out.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pearl of Wisdom for the day

Awkward moments are only forgotten when pushed out by even awkward-er ones. So get awkward. Baby.


A few days ago I created this post with the note (to myself) "Closure / Decision" in it, which I suppose sums up the typical retrospective/forward looking dichotomy of these end of year posts. So let's run with that. (more to follow)

Jake Gyllenhaal Double Feature - Donnie Darko / Prince Of Persia

Please note: My reviews might contain spoilers and be overly critical. Um sorry about that. Rambles follow.


Disney's Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time is an action movie, with a hint of the free running (evolved platforming) from the video game. The "twist", "romantic" subplot, and OMG SACRIFICE moment were predictable (and resolved with barely a whimper). Also, Jake puts on an annoying accent. There are worse movies to watch. Certainly for a "Video game movie" it does well. Humour doesn't quite match other movies in the genre like "The Mummy".

Rating:      ★  
Verdict: T'was OK.

Donnie Darko: The Director's Cut is a movie about mental illness. I'm not particularity fond of those. It's set in the 80's. Negative on partiality to that particular era. About a teenage boy/arson. Ding ding ding. Trifecta. Parascience. Oh Dear.

Okay. It's no "list of things that James likes stuffed into a movie" but that's to be expected, it covers some vaguely difficult ground, obviously with some insight from the writer/director (which IIRC were the same person).

I'm not going to watch the movie again to try and ascertain the message.

Verdict: T'was OK. Artsy/Indie (styled) movies gets an extra star to impress girls. Will probably end up as a English text at some point.

Bonus Review: Skyline

 "Who are you people and what have you done with the rest of the movie?"

In some ways you just want it to hurry up and kill off all these unlike-able characters (they even pull the pregnant card!) other times you want it to slow down and do some exposition about the antagonist. Then the movie ends and you start to think what a strange opening cinematic this game has, I hope the gameplay is good.

I guess what I'm saying is that this movie has some interesting ideas (alien super power brain transplant invasion!!), suffers from the same lack of scale as war of the "worlds" and failure to establish tension as Paranormal Activity.

Rating:      ★   
Verdict: Quite Bad. Better than Pandorum.

Movie Review - Pandorum (2009)

Opps forgot to post this. I wrote this about 3 months ago I think.

 Today, to procrastinate because I've wanted to for a while, I'm posting up the first of what will be (hopefully) many movie reviews.

IMDB | Rotten Tomatoes | Wikipedia

Plot is non-existent.

Rating:  ✩ ✩
Verdict: Watch-able, depending on your *cough* state of mind. I didn't like it. (derr)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The house before this one...

Immediately prior to moving out to woop woop, the house I lived in had a walk in linen closet. Full of towels, sheets, lightbulbs and security system we never touched by had alarmingly blinky lights. Quite a few times I remember wandering in there to enjoy a little moment of peaceful silence in a small, dark, linen-y room.

I miss that sometimes.
