Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sam Worthington Double Feature - Terminator: Salvation / Avatar

Yesterday (Jan 2) was my father's birthday, so we went over to his sister's house and ate / played ping pong / watched movies on Foxtel. I am very grateful that my cousin didn't manage to get Titanic on. As always, spoilers. I apologise for the weak reviews, I might post a revised version with some more considered critique in the future.


Terminator: Salvation Blag. They killed him.

It also makes no sense how the humans are alive and stuff.
Rating:      ★  
Verdict: I hate John Connor.

James Cameron's Avatar has some hot antropamorphic people things. nom nom.

Plot, military sensicles - MIA. Evil corporation/governement and heavy handed preaching? Check!

Verdict:  (MIA)

Bonus Review: Push
If I were psyic, I would probably find more interesting things to do with my powers...

Verdict: Borderline B movie, I hope. Better than Pandorum.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you review two movies with the same actor. Even though it's not even mentioned in the actual reviews, it's still interesting.

    I watched Push for the second time the other day. I'd give it a 3.5/5.
    Avatar was overrated for me, so I was disappointed.


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