Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How can I know I want to say it when I don't even know what I want to say?

(this makes me look more deep)

Yes, I will post the last few days, eventually. They were.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 9 (Part 2) - My Mother

I purchased some flowers for my mother.

Took what I think is an interesting photo.

Looked at a shed over a pool.

And had an over-edited meal.

( backdated for the love of Mum: 12:39 am 5/June/2010 )

Day 7 – A Morning Out

(no, I didn’t put a pun in the title this time,
What do you think I am, a punist or something? No pun intended of course

So we went to see Iron Man 2, Ken (above) showed up too.

These other people were so forthcoming as to appear immediately after the film was over. One of whom accepts shifts whilly nilly, and another who accommodates said frivolous commitments. Ben is in there too somewhere. The film shall not be discussed.

Skipping over (and in line with) some typical teen indecision (and evacuation) I used identification to enter a 18+ venue for the first time. It was boring so we left.

We then went to a non-18+ cafe to order alcohol and something called “Tapas” because Gumji was hungry.

I purchased a lemon lime and bitters, a slightly fancy sounding drink with only the pretence of alcoholism.

This is some form of caffeinated beverage with two $7 dollar shots of baileys in it. Background: Tapas.

Harry, who journeyed all the way from Geelong just for the occasion, has a beleaguered N-ninty-something that fell to pieces to twart his plan to dunk it into his coffee.

I then tried to lock DK outside, but, like a wounded puppy, he just wouldn’t die. DK volunteered to test this automatic door’s night time locking credentials. It failed.

Nathan then bought a cheeseburger, suitably impressed by the Tapas.

Quite some time later, the herd having streamlined its’ self down to just myself and Harry, a place for me to sleep appeared as if by magic and with no effort at all by the host.

The cat left me alone, actually.

Sneak preview of my Mother's day post. Which is technically the same day.

( backdated for the memories: 1:26 am 11/May/2010 )

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 6 – The night is young

Too young, really, as all you can really see is me eating dinner and taking public transport.

These always make me feel safer. Not. Someone stole a pair of Nike’s from someone, I mean seriously.

( backdated for integrity: 12:54 AM 11/May/2010 )

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 5 – I swear I took a photo today…

Really, I did.

All I can find is this:

Windows Installer

Which is from when I tried to upgrade Skype to talk to my cousin in kiwiland.

( backdated for postarity: 12:47 AM 11/May/2010 +1000 )

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 4 - Consumer Society

Lots of different things happened today, but the explaination will have to wait until later. Let's see if you, dear reader, can come up with something more exciting than the actual storey.

Hmm.. forgot some...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 3 - Break into... Washing!

I only have one photo for today.

OK I lied. I have more.

This is my dog. She doesn't like being photographed at 11:58 PM, with a bright flash.
So that's Wednesday.

I think that was pretty self explanatory.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 2 - Return to Nothingness

On Tuesdays I head into Deakin for 2 pracs. There are other things on but I pretty much ignore them. These are my uni buds:

I'm not in this photo because I'm taking it.

The one on the left is about to start playing Diablo II, which is a game from 1990-something. The other two are watching The Hangover. It's pretty full of nothingness like this most days.

I also have some cool sunnies, which look cooler on other people (not pictured).

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 1 - Visiting the Ruler of the Universe..

Today, a day which I have managed to reorganise out of existence, I visited the Ruler of the Universe:

I forced her to stand for hours in the hot sun to get this exactly right.

I tried to be gentlemanly and buy her a hot chocolate:
but she ended up paying...

I think the day ended up being worth while.

Welcome to Project 365

I can soo do this.